We all know that first dates can be nerve-wracking. You want to make a good impression and show your best side. But apparently, this TikToker missed the memo on proper date etiquette. In a viral TikTok video, @equanaaa was caught slurping down a whopping 48 raw oysters on her first date, leaving her date stunned and stuck with the bill.

Now, you might be wondering why she would do such a thing. Well, according to Equana, she wasn’t really invested in the date. She was simply bored and looking for something to do. So, what better way to pass the time than indulging in a mountain of oysters?

As Equana continued to order expensive delicacies from the menu, her date couldn’t believe his eyes. He excused himself to go to the restroom but never returned. Ouch! Talk about a major exit strategy.

We all have our fair share of bad dates, but this one definitely takes the cake. Equana found herself stuck with the bill, having to pay for her own food and even his drink. Not exactly the kind of happily-ever-after she was hoping for.

After realizing she had been left to foot the bill, Equana took to social media to vent her frustration. She claimed that her date did a dine and dash, leaving her responsible for the whole tab. However, the man did reach out to her afterwards and offered to reimburse her for the drinks via CashApp. A small consolation, but at least she didn’t have to pay for it all.

So, folks, let this serve as a cautionary tale. Next time you’re on a date, remember to be considerate and mindful of your actions. And if you happen to have an insatiable appetite for oysters, maybe save it for a time when you’re not leaving your date in shock and awe.