Sarah Harris, a 36-year-old woman, has become a TikTok sensation by sharing funny skits that shed light on her life after having her eyeball removed due to a rare genetic condition. Sarah was diagnosed with neurofibromatosis, a genetic disorder that causes tumors to form on nerve tissue, as well as infantile optic glaucoma, a rare birth defect that affects fluid drainage and causes pressure behind the eyes.

As a child, Sarah’s condition deteriorated to the point where her eye socket eroded, and her brain began to press against her eye. At the age of 16, she made the life-changing decision to have her eye removed after years of constant pain.

Sarah explained, “It wasn’t a difficult decision because I was in constant pain and dealing with frequent infections. If I had left it, the situation would have worsened. I was initially concerned because the operation had never been done to this extent before, as they needed to address issues related to my missing eye socket. However, if I hadn’t taken this step, the tumor could have spread to my brain and caused even more damage, potentially resulting in complete blindness.”

The procedure involved wearing a pressure bandage in her newly formed eye socket to keep it in place. Additionally, she underwent another surgery to implant four abutments into her eye, a risky procedure due to the delicate structure of her remaining bone. After six months, Sarah received her prosthetic eye, which made her feel more comfortable and confident in social situations, including applying for her first job.

Throughout her life, Sarah has undergone 30 surgeries and developed a phobia of food due to the need to fast before each operation. Despite the challenges, she has learned to ignore the negative comments she received at school and now feels comfortable in her own skin.

Sarah shared, “As I was growing up, I was called names like ‘pop eye’ or ‘one-eyed jack’ almost every day, which made me feel upset and annoyed. Although I had one good friend in primary school who I’m still close to today, I eventually learned to ignore the comments. Sometimes, I even responded with humor, saying things like ‘thanks for noticing,’ which they didn’t appreciate. This whole experience made me realize that some people don’t think before they speak. However, it also made me stronger.”

With her prosthetic eye, Sarah has taken to TikTok to raise awareness about her condition through hilarious skits. In one popular video with over 15 million views, she whistles at her prosthetic eye, which comically evades her in a Charlie Chaplin-esque manner.

Sarah has enjoyed her newfound TikTok fame, as it has provided a distraction from her ongoing health struggles. Despite having an inoperable tumor growing in her neck and cheek that affects her facial nerves and blood vessels, she remains hopeful. She also worries about the potential development of osteoporosis as she is an active person who finds joy in physical activities. Nevertheless, Sarah recognizes the importance of prioritizing her health and is grateful for her parents’ support in encouraging her independence.

While there is currently no known cure for neurofibromatosis, Sarah hopes to contribute to finding one through her platform. She aims to educate and raise awareness about the condition while having fun on TikTok.

Sarah’s story serves as an inspiration, reminding us of the power of humor and resilience in overcoming life’s challenges. If you have a story to share, please get in touch with us at