Plastic surgery has taken a leap forward in recent years, becoming more accessible to a wider range of people. From subtle adjustments to complete transformations, more and more individuals are changing their appearances. One Ukrainian model, Anastasia Pokreshchuk, has become renowned for her massive cheek implants. Over the past six years, she has undergone numerous procedures that have completely transformed her face. It’s astonishing to think that these two images depict the same person. Watch her inspiring video at the end of this article.

Anastasia Pokreshchuk: From Ordinary to Extraordinary

At 33 years old, Anastasia Pokreshchuk was an average-looking young woman with a minimalist appearance. But that changed when she started to experiment with plastic surgery and injections at the age of 26. Her focus, without a doubt, has been on her cheeks. Today, she proudly claims to have “the world’s biggest cheeks.” If you were to see her now, you would hardly recognize her former self.

Last year, Anastasia shared a post on Instagram, asking her followers to choose between her previous appearance and her current transformation. The caption read: “Transformation – 26 and 32. Who will you choose?”

Not Everyone Is a Fan

Unfortunately, not everyone appreciates Anastasia’s transformation. The 33-year-old model admits that some people have been quite nasty in their comments. However, she chooses to brush it off with a laugh.

“I’ve had people tell me I am an ugly b***h and that I should kill myself, but when I see it, I just laugh it off and ignore it,” said Anastasia.

One person commented rudely on her transformation post, saying, “You used to be a normal person, and now you’re like a horror movie.” Another individual thought she was more beautiful before the cheek procedures and recommended that she revert to her previous appearance.

Enlarged Lips and Dramatic Cheeks

Anastasia began getting cosmetic procedures when she was 26 years old. Since then, she has spent thousands of British pounds solely on fillers. Her lips and cheeks have been dramatically enlarged, becoming the prominent features of her unique face.

“After I had the injections and saw the changes in my cheeks, I fell in love with them,” Anastasia shared. “I understand that they look weird to other people, but I don’t mind.”

With an Instagram following of 82,000 people, Anastasia uses the platform to update her fans on any future procedures. She once stated in an interview with The Sun, “You may think that they are too big, but I think that they’re a little bit small. I need to refresh them again soon.”

Recently, she underwent another fillers session to make her cheeks even larger. She documented the entire procedure on social media and confidently flaunted her new look at a shopping mall.

“I love them,” Anastasia told The Sun. “I want them to look like this, and I’m very happy. Regularly, I inject other parts of my face myself.”

Watch this incredible video to learn more about Anastasia Pokreshchuk’s inspiring journey: