Jennifer Dingle with her two 'miracle' daughters

Jennifer Dingle, a woman diagnosed with Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser syndrome (MRKH) at the age of 14, was born without a uterus and was told she could never carry a baby. However, thanks to a pioneering uterus transplant, she has become the first woman in US history to have two miracle babies. Jennifer’s dream of becoming a mother has finally come true, and she now has two healthy little girls, Jiavannah and Jade, with her husband Jason.

Jennifer’s journey hasn’t been an easy one. Throughout her teenage years, while her friends were starting their menstrual cycles, Jennifer was left wondering when her turn would come. After a visit to the doctor, she received the devastating news that she had no cervix and no uterus. She was informed that she would never be able to carry her own child and that if she wanted biological children, she would have to use a surrogate.

But Jennifer never gave up hope. She met Jason in 2011, got married in 2014, and together they started exploring their options to have the family they always dreamed of. In 2016, Jennifer received an exciting call from her mother while they were stationed in Italy. She had heard about a uterus transplant trial taking place in Dallas, Texas, and Jennifer immediately flew back home to apply.

Jennifer, Jiavannah, Jason and Jade

After a rigorous selection process, Jennifer was accepted into the trial. In December 2016, she underwent a nine-hour surgery to receive a donated uterus. In January 2017, she experienced her very first period at the age of 27. Six months later, Jennifer underwent a successful embryo transfer and gave birth to Jiavannah in February 2018.

After Jiavannah’s birth, doctors asked Jennifer if she wanted to try for a second child, something that had never been done before in the US after a uterus transplant. Despite some setbacks and miscarriages, Jennifer and Jason remained determined. With just one embryo left, they took their last chance and were overjoyed when Jennifer became pregnant again in July 2019. In February 2020, their second daughter, Jade, was born.

Jennifer underwent a pioneering uterus transplant to become a mum

Jennifer is now the first woman in the United States to have two babies following a uterus transplant. She is incredibly grateful to the woman who donated her uterus and made it all possible. Jennifer had a hysterectomy after Jade’s birth, so she won’t be able to carry another child. However, she and Jason could use a surrogate if they decide to expand their family in the future.

The couple are now parents to two little girls

Jennifer’s story is one of resilience, hope, and the power of modern medicine. She is excited to share the story of how her special little miracle babies came into the world when they are older.