Weddings always tend to bring back a flood of memories. For me, they remind me of the happiest day of my life – my wedding to David. Our wedding was a modest affair, no expensive finery, just pure, unadulterated love.

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Even after seven years, those memories still make me smile. Working as a waitress at a wedding catering company, I frequently relive those unforgettable moments.

That day seemed like any other. Everything was set up, and the guests were beginning to arrive. However, things took a shocking turn during a restroom break when my colleague Stacy rushed in.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Midjourney

“Lori, you need to go home,” she said, looking pale and worried.

“Go home? Why? Did you want my shifts?” I quipped. But Stacy’s expression told me this wasn’t a joke.

“Lori, seriously, you can’t stay here. You’re not going to like what you see,” she warned, her voice trembling.

I brushed off her concerns and went back to the hall. And then, I saw him – David, my husband, standing at the altar with another woman. It felt like the ground crumbled beneath me, leaving me gasping for air.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Midjourney

Though stunned, I managed to read the sign: “Welcome to the wedding of Kira and Richard.” My David was using another name and marrying someone else! Rage and disbelief welled up inside me.

Determined to expose him, I stormed back in, just as David – or Richard – raised his glass for a toast. Seeing me, he froze, anger and shock battling for dominance on his face.

“Everyone, listen up!” I shouted into the microphone, my voice quivering with anger. “This man is an imposter! He’s married to me!” Gasps echoed through the hall as the bride clung to David, confused and terrified.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Midjourney

The room was silent as I revealed our wedding photo on my phone. The bride, Kira, looked at the photo in disbelief. Tears streamed down her face as she faced David, or Richard.

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“How could you do this?” she whispered, barely able to speak. But David continued his charade, denying any knowledge of me or our marriage.

“Stop! Seven years and you don’t recognize me?” I roared, pointing at the photo. Disbelief seeped into the crowd, but they seemed to believe me.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Midjourney

Kira’s sobs grew louder. “Why, Richard?” But he couldn’t answer her. It was over for him.

Suddenly, Kira bolted for the door, her dress trailing behind her like shattered dreams. David chased after her, leaving us all standing in shock.

I found David – or Richard – outside, head in his hands, tears streaming down his face. Anger surged in me anew.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Midjourney

“You’ve got some nerve!” I screamed.