Jackson Houlding, four, has become the youngest ever person to summit the Pingora Peak in the Rockies

A courageous young boy from Britain has made history by becoming the youngest person ever to summit a 12,000ft mountain in the Rockies. Four-year-old Jackson Houlding, accompanied by his eight-year-old sister Freya, achieved this incredible feat during a two-week hiking and camping trip with their parents in Wyoming, USA.

The family needed Llamas to help carry their kit during a two-week hike

Their adventurous journey took them to the 11,889ft Pingora Peak, where they successfully reached the summit without any assistance. Led by their parents Jessica and Leo, a professional climber, the Houlding siblings showcased their determination and resilience. In fact, Freya also set a record of her own during the trip by becoming the youngest person to scale the nearby 12,165ft Wolf’s Head. However, it was decided that Jackson was a little too young for that particular challenge.

Youngsters Freya and Jackson climbing Pingora Peak on their holiday to climb Wyoming's Rocky Mountains.

The Houlding family, hailing from Staveley in Cumbria, embraced the potential dangers of the Wind River Range in Wyoming. This wild and treacherous environment is home to bears and freezing temperatures at night. Nevertheless, the family persevered, undeterred by the risks.

This wasn’t the first mountaineering experience for the Houlding children. Just a year prior, they became the youngest to summit a 10,000ft mountain – Piz Badile on the border of Switzerland and Italy. Their adventurous spirit knows no bounds.

Jessica Houlding with her children Freya and Jackson pose for a picture halfway up Pingora Peak

Leo, 41, expressed immense pride in his children, stating, “When Jessica and I started our family, we always wanted to create these kinds of memories with our kids. We are thrilled that we’ve been able to do it at such a young age.”

But climbing mountains comes with significant risks, even for experienced climbers like the Houldings. Loose rocks and uneven terrain can pose a challenge, and a single misstep can lead to trouble. That’s why they always take it slow, planning each climb down to the smallest detail.

The pair went wild camping with their parents for two weeks

The Houldings’ journey to Wyoming in August was made possible through Jessica’s US passport, as the border had been closed to non-American citizens until recently. They flew to Denver, Colorado, rented a car, and crossed the border into Wyoming. In an effort to fully immerse themselves in the wilderness, they even rented llamas and camped for two weeks.

The region’s unpredictable weather presented its own set of challenges. Temperatures often dip below freezing, and heavy snowfall can occur even during the summer months. However, Leo and Jessica prepared their children for the long treks with Harry Potter audiobooks and endless games of 20 questions.

Their holiday activities are something which most adult's knees would buckle at

Leo emphasized the importance of being prepared for any situation in the Wind River Wilderness. He shared a story of being caught in a hailstorm that forced them to seek immediate cover. Such unexpected events can make a significant difference when halfway up a mountain. Additionally, encounters with wildlife, including bears, require knowledge and caution to stay safe.

Despite the difficulties, the Houlding family thoroughly enjoyed their time in nature. The children found solace in the beauty of the surroundings and the happiness it brought them. Leo captured remarkable photos of Jackson slowly making his way up to the summit of Pingora Peak.

Freya also broke records after summiting Wolfs Head

After a strenuous full day’s climb, Jackson accomplished the remarkable feat of becoming the youngest person to ever scale Pingora Peak in the Rockies. While he was not quite ready for the steeper Wolf’s Head, Freya was eager to take on the challenge.

Freya has been climbing under the instruction of her experienced parents

Leo shared, “My experience in rock climbing enables us to embark on these holidays safely and comfortably, and the kids truly love it.” Although Jackson may not fully grasp the uniqueness of their adventures at his age, Freya is starting to understand the significance of what they do.

The long treks proved tricky for the children at times, but Leo and Jessica were prepared with Harry Potter audiobooks and endless games of 20 questions

Each climb has become a cherished memory for the Houldings, motivating them to seek more climbing adventures in the future. Their next plans include climbing and sea kayaking in the Lofoten Islands of northern Norway.

The Houlding family’s remarkable achievement serves as an inspiration to people of all ages. It’s a testament to the power of determination, perseverance, and the genuine joy that comes from exploring nature’s wonders.